Floridians Against Prop. 2

Halloween is over, but the scariest thing this year may not be goblins and monsters -- it will be if we don't defeat Amendment 2 tomorrow at the polls.

Say NO to enshrining discrimination in the Florida Constitution. Say NO to denying healthcare and other benefits to unmarried couples and seniors. This is it -- Your last chance to say NO on Amendment 2.

Marriage is already defined by Florida law as being "between one man and one woman." Allowing government the power to intrude into the private decisions of the people of Florida -- by what would be the authority of our constitution. Our constitution should be kept as a document that expands and protects freedoms, not deprives people of the freedom to make personal decisions.

Whether intended or not, in addition to enshrining discrimination into our constitution, Amendment 2 would deny many rights to Floridians including the many unmarried seniors who live together. We have already seen this in other states such as Michigan. We cannot let it happen here as well.

Why are so many Floridians of every profession, political party, faith, age and region joining together to fight Amendment 2? Why have the editorial boards of every major Florida newspaper urged a "NO" vote? It's because the more Floridians learn about this deceptive amendment, the more they oppose it.

You can add physicians and other medical professionals to the long and growing list of those who are saying NO to Amendment 2. Dozens of healthcare providers are speaking out against Amendment 2.

Who is saying No on 2? Here is a sample of the growing list of Floridians against Amendment 2:

  • Every Florida newspaper editorial board
  • Former Florida Governor and United States Senator Bob Graham
  • Republican and Democrat members of Congress: Rep. Kendrick Meek (D), Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R), Rep. Alcee Hastings (D) and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D), among others
  • Florida Professional Firefighters Union
  • League of Women Voters
  • City of Miami
  • Broward County School Board
  • Physicians and other medical professionals
  • And too many more to name...

With doctors, firefighters, community leaders and indeed entire cities all saying "no" -- this is your chance to say no. Join us on November 4 to say NO to proposed Amendment 2. Help us reach voters who will vote tomorrow and tell them about the dangerous implications for Florida if Amendment 2 passes.

As always, thank you for your continued support in these difficult times. Together we can defeat Amendment 2 and keep this form of discrimination out of our constitution.