Aren't you teaching people how to get away with breaking the law?

No. We teach people that they have rights, and these rights are secured by the principal documents that guarantee our civil liberties -- the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Our nation's founders, who were keenly aware of the dangers posed by unchecked government power, created these documents to protect individuals from overzealous law enforcement officials.

For example, an informed individual who invokes his constitutional protections whenever a police officer asks to conduct a warrantless search is doing exactly what the founders intended. The catch is that these rights only apply if they are asserted properly and effectively. Otherwise, people may unwittingly waive these rights.

While we don't condone engaging in illegal behavior of any kind, if an individual suspected of some criminal activity asserts his 4th Amendment right to refuse a search or his 5th Amendment right to not speak to police officers who are investigating him, and as a result it's more difficult for the State to secure a conviction, we see that as a victory for every citizen in this country, as it evidences that our individual liberties remain intact. That is precisely why it's so important for people to be educated in the laws that affect them, and to honestly be able to say "I know my rights!", because only when you know your rights can you assert them, can you protect them, can you stand up for them.